June 10, 2014  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share

GIUSEPPE STAMPONE Ritratti – Bic Data Blue

5 Giugno 2014 – 27 Luglio 2014
— A cura di: Giacinto Di Pietrantonio

GAMeC, Bergamo

Dal 5 giugno al 27 luglio 2014 la GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo presenta la mostra Ritratti – Bic Data Blue, personale di Giuseppe Stampone (1974; vive e lavora a Teramo e a Roma).

Parte della serie espositiva che il museo dedica da anni agli artisti emergenti più interessanti sulla scena internazionale – invitati a presentare un progetto site-specific commissionato per l’occasione – la mostra presenta un corpus di cento lavori inediti dell’artista realizzati con la penna Bic, una tecnica che accomuna diversi lavori della ricerca artistica di Giuseppe Stampone, dagli “abbecedari” al progettoGlobal Education.

I cento ritratti raffigurano i più importanti e influenti artisti della contemporaneità: da Ai Weiwei a William Kentridge; da Marina Abramovi? a Shirin Neshat; da Jannis Kounellis a Maurizio Cattelan e rivelano, al contempo, la volontà dell’artista di lavorare come “pittore di corte”, identificando con questa definizione il più ampio e complesso sistema dell’arte.

In questo modo si contestualizza ampiamente l’incipit originario del fare artistico che sottende la messa in opera della mostra stessa, ovvero l’interesse personale dell’artista verso un genere, quello del ritratto di corte, che ha segnato in modo significativo la storia dell’arte, a partire dalla classicità, e che ha visto all’opera artisti come Tiziano, Velàzquez, Bronzino, van Dyck, Hilliard e Lotto, solo per citarne alcuni.

Insieme al “chi”, questi disegni integrano nel loro significato il “come” e il “perché” un personaggio venga ritratto, indagando altresì sulle giustificazioni retoriche e sul dibattito critico sviluppatisi nella “corte” contemporanea. La mostra articola quindi una riflessione sul significato del realizzare un ritratto oggi, sulla presenza e assenza del soggetto e sul valore del ritratto stesso, al fine di restituire non solo la personalità, ma anche il contesto all’interno del quale un soggetto opera.
La tecnica della ritrattistica viene riabilitata e reinterpretata, dopo che la fotografia e le ricerche pittoriche della contemporaneità l’hanno – se non trascurata e dismessa – quantomeno manipolata.

I cento protagonisti sono ritratti a mezzo busto, tutti nella medesima posizione frontale; i disegni sono stati realizzati prendendo a modello immagini trovate in internet, o completati dall’immaginazione dell’artista che intende così contrapporsi a quella che è stata una delle caratteristiche tipiche del ritratto, ossia la ripresa dal vero del soggetto.

Nella serie creata appositamente per la mostra alla GAMeC, Stampone ha scelto di ritrarre personalità che hanno raccontato, interpretato e mediato la trasformazione del mondo, mettendo in atto una sorta di ‘archiviazione del sapere’ e proponendo al pubblico una reinterpretazione di stampo enciclopedico che muove una riflessione sul significato dell’essere artista.
Stampone è infatti fermamente convinto che sia giunto il momento, per gli artisti, di recuperare la propria etica piuttosto che concentrarsi esclusivamente sul concetto di estetica e, attraverso queste opere, egli intende affermare l’importanza del recupero del ruolo dell’artista, una sorta di ‘ritorno alle origini’.

La scelta di utilizzare immagini trovate in rete quali modelli per i suoi ritratti, inoltre, invita a riflettere sulla sovrapproduzione di immagini tipica della società contemporanea e sulla conseguente perdita di unicità dell’immagine.
In un’epoca in cui la percezione del mondo viene mediata attraverso l’onnipresenza delle immagini, nella vita reale e in quella virtuale, e nella quale ciascuno di noi può divenire autore di ritratti o di autoritratti (si pensi alla diffusa moda dei selfie postati sui social network), Stampone conferma la propria abilità artistica mettendo in atto il recupero di una tecnica pittorica tradizionale, reinterpretata tramite l’uso della penna Bic – composta da numerosi passaggi, livelli e velature – al fine di sottrarre l’immagine al proprio universo mediatico, per riportarla alla dimensione autoriale dell’artista.

Accompagna la mostra, divenendo parte integrante e chiave di lettura della stessa, un’opera video inedita dell’artistaL’ABC dell’Arte, questo il titolo, mostrerà un primo approccio all’Arte per alcuni bambini di una scuola elementare. Un lavoro che, ancora una volta, intende dimostrare quanto sia importante per Stampone il recupero dell’ingenuità, di quella purezza creatrice che i bambini naturalmente possiedono e che gli artisti contemporanei dovrebbero riacquistare.
Fondamentale, infatti, per l’artista 蠑poter giocare con l’arte, per tornare a essere bambini’.

La mostra sarà accompagnata da un catalogo monografico bilingue – Maretti Editore – che includerà testi di Giacinto Di Pietrantonio (Direttore GAMeC), Jorge Fernandez Torres (Direttore della Biennale de L’Avana 2012), Sara Fumagalli eStefano Raimondi (Curatori GAMeC), Alia Swastika (Co-Direttore artistico della Biennale di Gwangju 2012).
La mostra è parte di una serie in onore di Arturo Toffetti.
La mostra è parte di una serie in onore di Arturo Toffetti.


Didascalia immagine:

Giuseppe Stampone
Bic Data Blue, 2013-2014
100 disegni a penna bic
40×55 cm cad.


February 25, 2014  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share


January 21 – March 29, 2014


Montserrat College of Art is proud to present MADE an exhibition curated by Gallery Director, Leonie Bradbury. While the title implies a bold “stamp” of fabrication, where the physical product is the achievement, MADE is a look beneath the surface. Each impeccably made work reveals themselves as what they first seem upon further inspection. Bradbury features mixed-media artists, Alexa Meade (Los Angeles, CA), Patrick Jacobs (Brooklyn, NY), Antoniadis & Stone (Boston, MA) and Kelli Connell (Chicago, IL). Bradbury adopts the Freudian concept of the “uncanny,” a term used to describe the instance where something is familiar, yet foreign at the same time. That feeling of teetering between two states, or re-examining the present, is precisely what this exhibition achieves through a multitude of themes such as: exterior and interior, illusion and truth, handmade and fabricated.

Kelli Connell and Alexa Meade seesaw the limitations and extremities of portraiture. Kelli Connell became a photographer to explore how photos could raise questions, specifically those based around identity, gender roles and the individual. Layering multiple photographic negatives, the composited portraits can be interpreted as, “an image about a relationship between two people, and as an image about multiple sides of the self” explains Connell. She captures the intersection of fact and fiction much alike Alexa Meade. Painting directly on live models and real world objects, Meade works in reverse from the classical concept of trompe l’oeil (the art of making something two-dimensional appear three-dimensional). She collapses real world depth into what appears as flat representations. Her work is visually stunning and layered in illusion. “Come Down” is an electric street scene paired with a figure floating in an urban paradise. The man, static in mid-air, would not be realized as an actual live model in a photograph, if not for the minuscule corner of ankle flesh unpainted and exposed between his shoe and pant leg.

Brooklyn-based sculptor Patrick Jacobs creates hyperrealist dioramas create a multitude of subconscious layers. Built directly into the gallery wall, at first glance the viewer sees only a porthole. Stepping closer, the circle becomes a looking glass through which a crisp, precise “photographic” landscape image appears. But, in fact the “photograph” is a manually constructed sculptural environment made from a variety of materials including paper and plastic. The conscious present is inverted as the viewer realizes they are a prop in Jacobs’ dance between worlds. Jacobs’ highly crafted work is contained to a controlled environment. In contrast, Antoniadis and Stone’s work takes on a larger than life form, grandiose in scale. Antoniadis & Stone is a collaborative enterprise. The vision of Alexi Antoniadis and Nico Stone is a representation of combined consciousness and a shared interest in the investigation of reality. Their site specific installation, “Promised Land” can be described as an alternative, dystopic landscape, one where office park aesthetics have met with disaster. Reflective glass windows, steel beams appear to have landed as if dropped off a building to form an immersive environment for the viewer. Their scale implies a cumbersome weight, but are these works as they seem? As with all the works in MADE, things are not always what they seem.

“Promised Land” is a newly commissioned work by Antoniadis & Stone that has been made possible through a generous grant from the Artist’s Resource Trust (A.R.T) Fund for Individuals by the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.





February 25, 2014  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share

THE POOL NYC is pleased to announce THE HIDDEN SHOW part two, a group exhibition featuring Eteri Chkadua, Eric Mistretta, Andrea Salvatori, and Bianca Sforni to be held at Design-Apart, the temporary space of the gallery in the city, in Chelsea.
Design-Apart is a new NY reality and it has been elected as the perfect venue for the nomadic show of THE POOL NYC, as their mission is extremely related to the crucial goals of the gallery. Both Design-Apart and THE POOL NYC want to showcase the best and the more hidden of contemporary art and design, focusing on the quality of the objects and art works on display. Both projects are global and local, they travel and they stop in places they consider essential.
Design-Apart delivers bespoke Italian design around the world with a team of artisans who integrate advanced technologies with ancient traditions, producing furniture and objects of uncommon utility and beauty. Design-Apart showroom in NYC is a platform in which the founders live, cook, work, and invite artists, chefs, clients to create and collaborate with them.
The gallery aims at displaying the work of four artists internationally renowned, all related one another for their quality and manufacture, and various media, in conversation in New York with design, in a new context and where all the different media can be highly appreciated.
The show has been named after the selection of the venue and this time we would like our collectors to see the works of art already placed in a living space, actually a gorgeous apartment.
In order to show difference with the typical white cube of gallery spaces, we will show the works of the artists we work with in a domestic environment, furnished and unusual.
American artist Eric Mistretta will be on display at Design-Apart with a new series of Apex works made of nylon, all sold out in Miami.
Andrea Salvatori, one of the Italian artists of the gallery, will be back in New York for the second time with his exquisite glazed ceramic pieces. For this show he will showcase a new series of vases made of glass and ceramic and an elephant with balls.
Eteri Chkadua, a Georgian painter who has been working with the gallery for ever, will present two small works where she portraits herself.
Chkadua is currently on display at the Museum of Modern Art of Istanbul.
Bianca Sforni, an Italian artist who works with a 4×5 camera, and lives between New York and Paris, presents a wide range of photographs from the Pandora’s Box Series to the Poppies Series, and the famous Broken Teapot and a black and white piece named Hugoton. Through Bianca’s camera, flowers, plants and natural objects assume appealing shapes and become icons.

It will be open every day from 12  to 6 pm and by appointment.

For further information, you can contact the gallery directors Luigi Franchin and Viola Romoli:

Luigi +1 646 244 9783

Viola +1 347 257 4103

May  5 – 24, 2014


at Design-Apart,

110 W 25th St. 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10001, USA




December 30, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share


Bologna, 23 Gennaio-10 Febbraio 2014

In occasione di ARTE FIERA BOLOGNA,

THE POOL NYC annuncia l’organizzazione di NY-BO, una mostra collettiva che include il lavoro di Patrick Jacobs, Eric Mistretta, Andrea Salvatori, Bianca Sforni e Giuseppe Stampone.

La sede temporanea di THE POOL NYC sarà lo spazio di Via D’Azeglio 35, accanto a Palazzo Bevilacqua.

L’obiettivo dell’esposizione è di presentare il lavoro di cinque artisti noti a livello internazionale, ciascuno alle prese con un media diverso, tutti operativi a New York e in Europa, stavolta in conversazione a Bologna,

Patrick Jacobs, nella collezione permanente del MAD Museum di New York, già presentato a Bologna dalla galleria, si distingue per i suoi celeberrimi diorami, visti attraverso due lenti.

Per la prima volta nel capoluogo emiliano Apex, i lavori in nylon eseguiti da Eric Mistretta, giovanissimo artista newyorchese.

Le opere in ceramica invetriata di Andrea Salvatori sono ormai un grande must nella rosa degli artisti presentati dalla galleria itinerante.

Per la mostra bolognese Salvatori ha creato una serie di nuovi vasi.

Le fotografie di Bianca Sforni, artista italiana che vive a New York, vengono presentate per il secondo anno a Bologna. Stavolta in diversi formati e con lavori a colori e in bianco e nero. Tutto rigorosamente in formato analogico.

Per la prima collaborazione con THE POOL NYC, Giuseppe Stampone, famoso in tutto il mondo per i suoi eccezionali disegni a BIC, presenta una grande mappa e una serie di lavori di piccolo formato.

La mostra inaugurerà giovedì 23 gennaio alle 17 e resterà aperta tutti i giorni dalle 11 alle 19 fino al 10 febbraio 2014.

Per informazioni i direttori Luigi Franchin e Viola Romoli sono contattabili ai seguenti numeri:

333 78 91 947 e 335 62 51 723.


December 30, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share


Contemporary Narratives from Turkey and Beyond

January 9 – May 8, 2014

Within the scope of its 10th year anniversary celebrations, Istanbul Modern presents Neighbours – Contemporary Narratives from Turkey and Beyond, an exhibition that investigates contemporary art practices in Turkey and the surrounding region.  This exhibition brings together artists from neighboring geographies that have historical, political, and cultural ties with Turkey: the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East.

Neighbours explores practices that relate to social life in the public space, such as spectacles and ceremonies, and the way these have seeped into today’s visual arts. The exhibition focuses on two aspects that are ingrained in the region’s cultural weave: narratives and travel. These dovetail into a number of works tangent to themes like mobility, nomadism, inner journeys, language, and cultural and oral transmission.

Neighbours explores the visual arts, as well as performance and spectacles, including extensions of disciplines that have developed outside the academic circles of art, like political cartoons and folk art. Paradigms of this wide region’s layered narrative traditions are shadow theater, the a??ks (travelling bards), and the meddahs (public storytellers) of old, whose voice, in a new form, still echoes in the work of artists today.

Neighbours features works by 35 artists from 17 countries and a rich program of events including screenings, performances, panels, talks, and workshops dedicated to the region’s art and culture. Come Again?, a video program comprising works by 13 artists from the exhibition, will be screened in a special video room as part of the main exhibition.


Abdülcanbaz (Turhan Selçuk), Furat al Jamil, Mounira Al Solh, Maja Bajevic, Sonia Balassanian, Vesna Bukovec, CANAN, Eteri Chkadua, Ana ?igon, Rena Effendi, Nezaket Ekici, Cevdet Erek, Adib Fattal (Installation by the Museum of Everything), Mona Hatoum, Hamlet Hovsepyan, Gül Ilgaz, Babak Jalali, Lamia Joreige, Hayv Kahraman, Hatice Karada?, Sevdalina Kochevska, Pavlos Nikolakopoulos, Fahrettin Örenli, Adrian Paci, Michail Pirgelis, One Square Meter (A Festival by ACCEA), Younès Rahmoun, Yehudit Sasportas, Wael Shawky, Slavs and Tatars, Asl? Sungu, Nasra ?immes, Burcu Ya?c?o?lu, Nil Yalter, Živadinov::Zupan?i?::Turši?


Çelenk Bafra, Paolo Colombo

Assistant Curator and ‘Come Again?’ Program

Birnur Temel


Negar Azimi, Zdenka Badovinac, Magda Guruli



November 25, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share


a Cura di Jean Blanchaert

30 Novembre-6 Gennaio 2014


Sabato 30 novembre, in concomitanza con “Manualmente ceramica”, verrà inaugurata al pubblico la mostra “Arte Ceramica oggi in Italia”, a cura del noto artista e gallerista Jean Blanchaert . Fino a lunedì 6 gennaio 2014 negli spazi di Villa Necchi Campiglio saranno esposte un centinaio di ceramiche d’autore, caratterizzate da stili, tecniche ed ispirazioni culturali differenti, tutte prodotte con eccezionale maestria, firmate dai più famosi maestri ceramisti, designer e artisti italiani, che si pone l’obiettivo di raccontare l’eccellenza che caratterizza oggi l’arte ceramica in Italia: da Antonia Campi ad Alessandro Mendini, da Bertozzi e Casoni a Franz Staehler e ancora Antonella Ravagli, Paolo Anselmo, Bottega Gatti, Ugo La Pietra, Andrea Salvatori, Giacomo Alessi e tanti altri. Le opere in mostra saranno in vendita e, grazie alla generosità degli artisti, parte anche di questo ricavato verrà devoluto al FAI.

La mostra “Arte Ceramica oggi in Italia” sarà aperta tutti i giorni a esclusione dei lunedì e martedì non festivi dalle ore 10 alle 18.

FAI – Villa Necchi Campiglio
Via Mozart, 14 – Milano
Tel. 02 76340121



September 29, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share







THE POOL NYC, Booth B 13 

On the beach, at Ocean Drive and 12th Street 

Monday, December 2

Preview and Benefit

Hosted by Marina Abramovic – 6pm-9pm By Invitation Only

Tuesday, December 3

Press Preview – 12pm–3pm

VIP Preview – 3pm–7pm

Wednesday, December 4 – Saturday, December 7

Open to the Public -11am-7pm

Sunday, December 8

Open to the Public -11am-6pm




July 31, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share

An article written by Franco Bertoni.



July 31, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share

100 Anni 100 Stanze 100 Artisti


6 Aprile – 31 Ottobre, 2013


The title 100³: 100 anni, 100 stanze, 100 artisti (100³ : 100 years, 100 rooms, 100 artists) encompasses the far-sighted ambition of creating a point of reference for art and culture in the Campania region, with an annual program of exhibitions and activities and a direct dialogue between participating visitors and protagonists in the International art world. In fact, the opening of the 2013 edition will be an unmissable, week-end long exchange between the artists, gallerists and art critics invited to contribute their exceptional vision to the small solo shows installed in each room. In a day far removed from quotidian reality, a carom of Art, Music and Poetry, with Dionysian muses accompanied by Bacchae, satyrs, wine and delicacies will unfold.

Art Hotel Gran Paradiso | Via Catigliano, 9 – 80067 Sorrento – Italy | t. +39 081 8073700 | f. +39 081 8783555 | info evento: | e-mail:

Wide Shot. VENEZIA

Wide Shot. VENEZIA

May 22, 2013  |  NEWS  |  No Comments  |  Share

THE POOL NYC on the occasion of the Biennale di Venezia is coming back to Venice and is organizing a group show called Wide Shot, including works by Tadao Ando, Alison Blickle, Gaia Carboni, Eteri Chkadua, Patrick Jacobs, Robert Lazzarini, Austin Lee, Jonathan Rider, Andrea Salvatori, Bianca Sforni, Ilaria Venturini Fendi, and Fabio Viale, to be held at the temporary space of the gallery in the Italian Lagoon, next to Palazzo Grassi and Galleria dell’Accademia, from May 28 to June 30, 2013.

THE POOL NYC conceives the space as a contemporary wunderkammer, in order to display different types of works all related one another for their quality and manufacture, and various media.

Wide Shot is the watchful eye of the camera with focus both on the work of the artists with whom the gallery has been working for almost four years and new artists that have a lot in common with the gallery. It’s a wide angle view on contemporary art.

For the 4th anniversary of the opening of the gallery, THE POOL NYC groups together the work of reknown artists like Tadao Ando, and young artists like Alison Blickle, in order to reproduce a nowadays version of the Cabinet of Curiosities.

Infact a Wonder-Room is “an encyclopedic collection of types of objects whose categorial boundaries were yet to be defined”: objects included in these art-rooms belonged to Natural History, Archaeology, Religion, Art, and Antiquities.

The gallery is actualizing the concept bringing together artists working with a wide variety of media: Ceramic for Andrea Salvatori, Painting for Eteri Chkadua, Austin Lee, and Alison Blickle, Diorama for Patrick Jacobs, Photography for Bianca Sforni, Cardboard and Paper for Robert Lazzarini and Jonathan Rider, Marble for Fabio Viale, Drawing for Gaia Carboni, Glass for Tadao Ando and design for Ilaria Venturini Fendi.

The opening reception will take place in the gorgeous garden of adjacent Ca’ Civran Badoer Barozzi now Marcello del Majno, on the Canal Grande, just on the left side of the Ponte dell’Accademia, one of the most visible bridges of Venice, on the way to Piazza San Marco.

All the mentioned artists operate worldwide, considering they have exhibited in museums, galleries, and art fairs in the following places: New York, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Rome, Florence, Venice, Bologna, Miami, Houston (Texas), San Francisco.


Tadao Ando, Alison Blickle, Gaia Carboni, Eteri Chkadua, Patrick Jacobs, Robert Lazzarini, Austin Lee, Jonathan Rider, Andrea Salvatori, Bianca Sforni and Fabio Viale and Carmina Campus designed by Ilaria Venturini Fendi.

Address: San Marco, Campiello Giustinian 2883, 30124, Venezia

Dates: May 28 – June 30 2013

Opening: May 28 at 5 pm. Campiello Giustinian 2883, 30124, Venezia